Tuesday, November 24, 2009

50 Days of School - Our 50's Party!

We had a blast at school!

And our muscles are cool!

We counted to 50!

Our necklaces are nifty!

Then we danced around the hall,

And really had a ball!

The Twist, the Konga, and the Freeze,

We can now do with ease!

Our 50's gals are beautiful!

And our guys are cool!

Happy Halloween

We had a blast on Halloween. Thanks, parents, for making it such an amazing day!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Freddie the Fire Engine

Freddie the Fire Engine and some of the volunteer firemen from our community came to school and taught us about fire safety. We are not to play with matches and if there is a fire, we call 911. If our clothes catch on fire, we learned to Stop, Drop, and Roll. That helps put the fire out. If we burn our hand, we should put it into cold water. That helps the burning to stop.
When they turned out the lights, we heard a strange noise. One of the firemen came crawling towards us like he would if he were rescuing us from a fire. We saw him in all of his gear, and then they let us try some on. It was fun! Thanks Freddie for teaching us about fire safety! And thanks for the heat sensitive pencils. They're cool!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Making Applesauce

We made real applesauce that tasted lots better than the store bought stuff! Our librarians brought us apples from their apple trees and cooked them in the microwave. Each one of us got to help turn the handle on the grinder that smooshed out all of the seeds and skins. Then they added some sugar and cinnamon. Yummm, Yummmm. It was scrump-deli-icious! It reminded us of Johnny Appleseed.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I am so excited for our kindergarten class this year! I think we have an amazing class and we will accomplish so much.
I grew up in Montana but graduated from Lyman High School. I started my college career at BYU and eventually graduated from Utah State University. Bruce and I have been married for 32 years, and we have 6 boys and 1 girl. I've always taught in the Lyman school district, and I love this valley. One of Wyoming's greatest natural resources is its people - they are unique. I find great joy in teaching your children; they are beautiful people. I love teaching and thank you for sharing your children with me.